
Working papers

  1. Estimating HPV16 genome copy number per infected cell in cervical smears (pdf)

    • Elie B, […] Tessandier N.²,³, Bravo IG³, medRXiv, 2024
  2. Factors shaping vaginal microbiota community long-term dynamics (pdf)

    • Kamyia T, Tessandier N., Alizon S, medRXiv, 2024
  3. Factors associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) virus load variations in genital infections in young women (pdf)

    • Tessandier N.², Alizon S, medRXiv, 2024
  4. Viral and immune dynamics of HPV genital infections in young women (pdf)

    • Tessandier N.¹², Elie B¹, […], Alizon S, medRXiv, 2024 (in revision with PloS Biology)

Published articles

  1. Does exposure to different menstrual products affect the vaginal environment? (pdf)

    • Tessandier N.², […] Alizon S, Mol Ecol., 2023
  2. Concomitant and productive genital infections by HSV-2 and HPV in two young women: A case report. (pdf)

    • Uysal IB, […], Tessandier N.², IDCases, 2022
  3. Platelets release mitochondrial antigens in systemic lupus erythematosus. (pdf)

    • Melki I, Allaeys I, Tessandier N, […], Boilard E, Sci Transl Med, 2021
  4. FcγRIIA expression accelerates nephritis and increases platelet activation in systemic lupus erythematosus. (pdf)

    • Melki I, Allaeys I, Tessandier N, […], Boilard E, Sci Transl Med, 2020
  5. Neuronal interleukin-1 receptors mediate pain in chronic inflammatory diseases. (pdf)

    • Mailhot B, Christin M, Tessandier N, […], Lacroix S, J Exp Med. 2020
  6. Platelets Disseminate Extracellular Vesicles in Lymph in Rheumatoid Arthritis. (pdf)

    • Tessandier N, […], Boilard E, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2020
  7. Extracellular vesicles are present in mouse lymph and their level differs in atherosclerosis. (pdf)

    • Milasan A¹, Tessandier N¹, Martel C, J Extracell Vesicles. 2016


  1. Platelet microvesicles in health and disease. (pdf)
    • Melki I¹, Tessandier N¹, Zufferey A, Boilard E, Platelets. 2017

¹: Co-first authorship

²: corresponding author

³: Co-last authorship